Monday, August 25, 2008

Var det verkligen Ryssland som oprovocerat anföll Georgien, som svenska tidningar vill att vi ska tro?

Den 8 augusti, samtidigt som olympiaden invigdes, gick georgiska trupper in i Sydossetien, som bad om rysk hjälp att slänga ut inkräktarna.

Pga OS-ståhejet blev det ingen större nyhet förrän Ryssland ingrep. Men då tog man till brösttonerna i såväl Globen som Marieberg ...

Ett så enkelt faktum som det på översta raden får svenska journalister tydligen bara skriva väldigt tyst om för sina ägare, däremot får de gärna låta "The Decider" och Condoleanza Reich pladdra oemotsagda om "nationers suveränitet" å det grötmyndigaste utan att murvlarna knystar ett ord om Afghanistan, Irak, Somalia, Chile, Kuba, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama eller lilla Grenada, för att bara nämna några i raden av "mäktiga fiender" och "terroristhot mot världsfreden" som "världens enda supermakt" så dristigt har skyddat oss från sen "andra världskriget tog slut", om det nu verkligen gjorde det. Fred i världen blev det i alla fall inte, men kriget som ren affärsidé har onekligen utvecklats en del, till alla vapenhandlares och katastrofkapitalisters stora fröjd.

Att påpeka att Bushco – eller israelerna – kastar sten i glashus bara de tar orden "demokrati" och "respektera andra nationers suveränitet" i sin mun, det är fullständigt TABU i svenska massmedia, trots att det är ett uppenbart faktum som alla insatta hycklare i media känner till; och varför får inte Israels och USAs "Machtpolitik" överhuvudtaget diskuteras? Är det därför att den är lika oantastlig som Hitlers var ända tills det började gå illa för honom?
Och i så fall, är det inte bäst att ni börjar vända på kapporna nu, så ni inte hux flux står där och pissar i motvind?

Var det Djävulen själv som med John Waynes och alla andra Hollywoodhjältars hjälp lyckades förvända synen på halva världen till att alltid se USA (och sidekicken Israel) som "the good guys"? Vad fan de än hittar på?

Finns det några "good guys" som är så illa sedda – nej, hjärtligt hatade – att de måste spendera mera pengar på vapen, f'låt, "försvar", än hela den övriga världen tillsammans? Är inte detta tvärtom ett symptom på grava psykopatologiska problem ...? Och bör inte psykopater för allmänhetens säkerhet beredas förvaring och i möjligaste mån vård? Förvaring nånstans där de inte längre kan manipulera och terrorisera sin omgivning ... vilket man knappast kan förneka att både USA och Israel lägger en stor del av sin energi på.

Nu hör jag i andanom DN, Expressen & Co skräna om antisemitism, vilket det inte är, däremot är det antisionistiskt och alltså antirasistiskt, eftersom sionismen är en lika rasistisk ideologi som någonsin nazismen ...

Hur som helst: Med anledning av den totalt enögda nykonfysa konsensustrans som samtliga stockholmsdrakar visat så lysande prov på under de senaste veckorna, vill jag gärna vidarebefordra följande motgift från

Gefundenes fressen för alla cyniker:

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wild Georgian conspiracy theory
Israel had a lot to do with the stupid actions of the government in Georgia (and is boasting about it!). The other big player in convincing the Georgians to walk into a door were the American 'dual-loyalist' Israeli-controlled neocons (it reminds me of George Bush - the father - telling the Kurds that if they rebelled against Saddam after the first Gulf War he would protect them, with the bonus that the subsequent massacre of the Kurds by Saddam, the one which the Americans let happen without doing anything to help the Kurds, was one of the reasons given by the son for his attack on Iraq!). What was the point of handing the Russians a perfect excuse to do what they have wanted to do for years?

I'm in a Pollard frame of mind. Remember Pollard stole American spy secrets to give to Israel so Israel could barter the lives of American spies for Jews released from the Soviet Union (the Soviets kept the decent Jews and sent all the gangsters to Israel, which explains a lot). Israel doesn't want Russia to sell defensive military equipment to countries in the Middle East. Could the Israelis and their treasonous agents in the United States have done a deal with the Russians to set Georgia up to give the Russians a perfect excuse to attack Georgia in return for Russia cutting back on its sales of defensive arms to the Middle East?
posted at 4:43 AM permanent link Comments (92) | Trackback

Friday, August 15, 2008
You can never be too cynical
Commentators are pointing out that my Georgian conspiracy theory is the exact opposite of established wisdom, but I'm not backing off. If you assume, as you must, that the traitorous 'American' neocons work in lock-step with their Israeli bosses, and that the 'Americans' knew that the U. S. really had no interest in backing up Georgia with World War III (part of the new order, with the Old American Establishment putting the adults back in charge of American military and diplomatic planning), there is no way to explain the Americans hanging the Georgians out to dry other than the fact it was a set up for the benefit of Putin. There is no obvious American motive for this. There is also no obvious Israeli motive, unless you consider that the Israelis would rather curry favor with the Russians than keep a tiny Georgian ally. It appears that the Israelis have already picked sides, cutting off their weapons supply attachments to the Georgians. Now it remains to be seen if the Russians repay their new pals by cutting back on the defensive weapons supplies to the Middle East, supplies that are deeply anti-Semitic as they might prevent the G-d-given right of the Jews to kill other peoples in the area.

Note this article, which takes the mainstream view while proving the opposite:

"Even though weapons transfers were modest in scope, Russian diplomats began increasingly relaying to Israel their annoyance over its military aid to Georgia, including the special forces training provided by security experts. Israel decided about a year ago to limit military exports to defensive equipment and training.

New contracts weren't approved as the arms sales were scaled back. Georgia's request for 200 advanced Israeli-made Merkava tanks, for example, was turned down.

There were reports in Israel that the sale of the tanks didn't go through because of a disagreement over the commission that was to be paid as part of the deal. But Amos Yaron, the former director general of the Defense Ministry, insisted it had to do with 'security-diplomatic considerations' - a clear reference to the sensitivity of the arms sales to Georgia. Israel, Yaron added, didn't want 'to harm Russian interests too much'.

Asked about the motivation to initially engage in the sale of weaponry to Georgia despite concerns it might anger Russia, Yaron replied: 'We did see that there was potential for a conflagration in the region but Georgia is a friendly state, it's supported by the US, and so it was difficult to refuse.'"

In other words, the Israelis had already been playing a high-level diplomaitc game with the Russians (you might want to consider that the alleged 'special relationship' with the Georgians was part of a long-term scheme to apply leverage to the Russians). I think the mainstream commentators are guilty, as usual, of failing to be cynical enough. Israel has no real friends (e. g., USS Liberty), just a series of relationships involving mutual exploitation. Faced with a choice of gaining big leverage with the Russians or keeping a tiny ally, Israel did what was 'good for the Jews'. All the talk about the special relationship between Georgia and Israel due to Jewish connections was just poppycock.
posted at 1:17 AM permanent link Comments (48) | Trackback

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Confirmation of the wild Georgian conspiracy theory, from none less that the Georgian reintegration minister, Temur Yakobashvili, a "former Zionist leader who speaks fluent Hebrew" (my emphasis in red):

"Yakobashvili blasted Israel's decision to suspend defense aid to Georgia: 'Israel did it at the Russians' behest. It aided the terrorists, the Russians. It's a disgrace. I don't know what it received in return, I only see that Hezbollah continues to get Russian arms, and plenty of it.'"

posted at 6:01 AM permanent link Comments (14) | Trackback

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